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How to Prolong and Optimise Your Cooking Oil

Henny Penny Prime Filter Powder

How to Prolong and Optimise Your Cooking Oil

We often asked our customers who venture into fried chicken business; what are their biggest concern when it comes to frying foods with a big amount of oil?

  • More often than not, their concerns are similar;
  • Getting the perfect crispiness and juiciness as marketed
  • Frying in a clean oil to avoid any flavor transfers which can alter their expected flavor
  • To be able to use the oil as long as possible before it turns dark as it can be costly
  • To ensure food safety and freshness by changing the oil every day
  • To use less oil for the same product quantity
  • How to prolong and optimise their cooking oil?
    …and the list goes on!

At the end of the day, we always tell them that the (not so) secret answer to their concern is actually just OIL FILTRATION! When it comes to Oil Filtration and Oil Management, we vouch on the #PrimeFilterPowder

Henny Penny Prime Filter Powder

Henny Penny Prime Filter Powder is a safe, pure white compound that extends frying oil life, reducing the frequency of oil purchases by as much as 50%. It works by removing both solids and dissolved impurities such as free fatty acids (FFA), crumbs, and excess seasoning powder from the used frying oil. Those impurities come from the exposure of your cooking oil to the Enemies of Oil, e.g. Salt, Water, Air, Heat, Soap, and carbon.


Prime Filter Powder is a synthetic, amorphous, hydrous form of magnesium silicate. It is a slightly coarse, odorless, tasteless powder with the approximate chemical formula MgO:2.6SiO2. With a porous internal structure and large activated surface, Prime Filter Powder products are ideal for use as adsorbents, antistatic flow agents, anti-caking agents, catalyst supports, carriers, and reinforcing fillers.


Prime Filter Powder is acceptable to the FDA and NSF for use in filtration of used frying oils. Its narrow size distribution results in superior filtration characteristics in the batch type vacuum filters commonly used in restaurants. Henny Penny Prime Filter Powder is also Halal certified and is suitable to be used without worries for Halal food joints.


Prime Filter Powder meets food grade specifications set forth by:

  • United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)
  • Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives administered jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO)


Henny Penny fryers are equipped with user-friendly features that simplify the cleaning and maintenance process. By adhering to proper cleaning protocols, you not only enhance oil quality but also extend the operational lifespan of the fryer.


Reach out to us to know how Henny Penny fryers and Prime Filter Powder can extend your oil life!


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