Privacy Policy


We take your privacy very seriously. This Privacy Policy describes what, why and how we collect and use your personal data, and how we protect it.


Your Privacy

This page explains our privacy policy which includes the use and protection of any information submitted by visitors.

If you choose to send an email which provides personally identifiable data, this data may be used for the purpose of newsletter for promotions, news, and marketing updates, in which will be sent to you so as to serve you in the most efficient, effective, and respectful manner. Should you not wish to receive any of these marketing emails, you may click the Unsubscribe button which is available at the end of the emails at any time after you receive the email, or Reply to the email stating your intention to be opted out from such emails in the future.


Whenever you interact with us, you may be asked to provide us your Personal Data. For example:

a) When you purchase, we may record the call or chat and/or ask you to provide information such as your contact details, delivery date and place of purchase and payment information.

b) When you contact our customer service centres for assistance, we may keep information about the conversation, including your name, contact details, the product(s) you bought, the reason to why you contacted us and the advice we gave you.

c) When you visit us at a public event, such as trade show or exhibition or participate in one of our surveys, competitions, prize draws or workshops, we may ask for information, such as your business card, name, contact details, interests and preferences.

d) When you participate in surveys and research, we may ask you for information, such as your email address and information about you.

e) When you submit your Personal Data to us for any other reason.


Information Collected

No personally identifiable information is gathered during the browsing of this website except for information given by you via email.



Some websites (including our gate) generating ‘cookies’, which are collected by the server site to enable it to recognize you for the next visit. Cookies do not store your data permanently and it’s also not stored on the hard disk of your computer. Cookies will be deleted once you close your browser.


What Happens When I Link to Another Site?

This website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy applies only to our site and you should be aware that other sites linked by this website may have different privacy policies and we highly recommend that you read and understand the privacy statements of each site.


Changes to this Policy

If this privacy policy changes in any way, it will be updated on this page. Regularly reviewing this page ensures you are updated on the information which is collected, how it is used and under what circumstances, if any, it is shared with other parties.

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