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Henny Penny Evolution Elite


Start with less oil in the vat, replenish it automatically, tops off oil levels automatically, and filter any time at the touch of a button. Cook better-tasting food with less oil. Save time, energy, and labor with every load. Click here to learn more.


Start with 40% less oil in the vat
Innovative design means you can cook the same amount of food in 40 percent less oil. You get the same extremely fast recovery with the same loads, the same cook times and temperatures. How? By filtering more frequently and replenishing the oil automatically.


Top off frying oil automatically
The Oil Guardian® auto top-off feature automatically replenishes frying oil from a standard oil jug whenever it’s needed. No lifting, no pouring, no mess. You’re always frying with better oil, and that means better food, every time!


Filter smart and easy with Smart Touch Filtration™
Now you can filter when you need to and not just when it’s convenient. Smart Touch Filtration™ lets you filter any vat in four minutes or less while continuing to cook in the rest.* That’s smart. It’s also easy. Just touch the control when prompted to filter. Nothing to open, close or pull.


Save big with better, longer lasting frying oil
Henny Penny Evolution Elite is built with frequent filtering, automatic top-off and oil management features help double the life of frying oil and saves restaurant owners thousands of dollars per year. 


Watch Henny Penny Evolution Elite Tips Playlist here


About Henny Penny

For more than 60 years, Henny Penny, an Eaton, Ohio based company has been solving problems by leading the way in open and pressure fryers innovation. Henny Penny designed, engineered, and became the solution for food service industry with its other range as combi ovens, holding cabinets, rotisseries, merchandisers, and breading machines. 




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