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Combi Platinum (4)

Henny Penny FlexFusion Platinum Series

Combi Oven

Advanced combis so easy to use, with hundreds of recipes and time-saving apps available at a single swipe. Replaces steamers, grills and convection ovens, so you’re saving tons of kitchen space. Steam on demand without a boiler saves you even more on operating and maintenance costs. Click here to learn more.


  • 7-inch full-color touch/swipe display with easy to use apps
  • Automatic humidity control in 10% increments
  • 5-speed auto-reverse fan for fast, even cooking throughout the cabinet
  • WaveClean automatic cleaning with single 2-in-1 cleaner/rinse-aid cartridge
  • Triple pane glass
  • Choice of high-watt PowerAdvantage or FlexiRack high-capacity pans and grids
  • USB connectivity
  • 6, 10, 20-pan sizes
  • 10-pan version includes smoker option
  • 5-pan Space$aver with narrow 19-inch width
  • Team Combi integrates separate cabinets in one unit
  • Space$aver Team available with or without hood


About Henny Penny

For more than 60 years, Henny Penny, an Eaton, Ohio based company has been solving problems by leading the way in open and pressure fryers innovation. Henny Penny designed, engineered, and became the solution for food service industry with its other range as combi ovens, holding cabinets, rotisseries, merchandisers, and breading machines. 




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