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XLT H Version Conveyor Ovens

XLT H Version Conveyor Ovens

Bake faster with XLT H Version Conveyor Ovens

XLT H Version Conveyor Ovens allows you to have faster baking time which results in larger production capacity, which in turn means more satisfied customers and more profits for operators.

You may not need that extra speed all the time, however, when peak time comes, the XLT H Version oven will provide the capacity you need to meet the demands of your customers.  Missed opportunities due to capacity constraints will no longer be an issue for you.  With over a dozen model sizes, XLT has the perfect sized H Version oven to meet your restaurant’s needs, today and for many years to come.

The H Version conveyor oven has a larger bake chamber that provides more room for a higher volume of airflow and does not increase the overall footprint of the oven. The larger bake chamber also allows for increased return airflow that improves the quality of baking while reducing bake times.


Case Study

If you are looking to bake faster, two of our global pizza chain customers have been able to cook one minute faster on the XLT 3255H.  This result allows them to bake 15 more pizzas per hour, per deck, with higher internal temperatures.  With these results, they discovered they could purchase a smaller oven, 55″ versus a 70″, saving space in the kitchen, at a lower initial price point and still get the capacity they need.  This faster bake time could also lower your customers’ wait time by over 20 minutes at the end of your peak hour of demand, without sacrificing the quality of your product.

Should you want to bake at the same time on the H Version oven, customers in the domestic US have been able to lower their set-point temperature by 10°F to 20°F (5°C to 10°C), while maintaining and even increasing internal temperatures as a result. By reducing the set-point temperature, customers were also able to see utility savings.

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