XLT 1832 H (3)

XLT Conveyor Oven

4455 1BH Version

The XLT 4455 1BH Conveyor Oven will help you maximize your revenue from cooking more food items that your customer loves and serve them in a shorter time at safer internal temperatures.


The patent-pending angled finger nozzles in the H Version oven more accurately direct the higher airflow and helps reduce end loss while increasing the overall efficiency.


Additional savings can be generated by adding a patented XLT Hood to your XLT Ovens. The XLT’s patented Hood design has proven to save, on average, 20%-30% on restaurants’ electricity bills. With this type of savings, an XLT Hood will virtually pay for itself in 3 years! Click here to learn more on XLT Hood.


Model specifications

  • 44″ wide conveyor belt 
  • 55″ long bake chamber
  • Available in gas and electric
  • Stackable: Yes, up to three (3) decks

XLT 4455 1BH conveyor ovens are suitable for:

  • Pizza
  • Pastries
  • Chicken wings
  • Pop corn chicken
  • ..and more!

The H-version oven will meet or exceed your specifications while cooking your pizzas 1 or 2 minutes faster, assuring:

  • High internal temperatures
  • Appealing crust and cheese color shades
  • Exceptional flavor characteristics
  • Complete doneness
    • No raw spots
    • No gel lines
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Higher profits
  • Improved reliability
  • Lowest total cost of ownership (TCO)
  • Industry-leading warranty


XLT is a global manufacturer specialized in highly innovative conveyor ovens and cost efficient exhaust hoods. For over 60 years, XLT has been studying and innovating ways to engineer the most advanced, air impingement conveyor oven on the market. Click here to find out more.



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